
Some of Admon Law’s Recent Court-Room Successes

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1501 1st Ave. N v. Branfman, Cai, et al.

Complex EB-5 and Dissenter’s Rights Litigation and Trial.
Admon Law Firm represented 23 minority shareholders from China and Japan in an 8-day trial against American Life, Inc., the nation’s largest EB-5 developer. This was a trial of first impression in Washington. In conjunction with co-counsel, Admon Law Firm took the case to verdict, winning over $21 million for his clients.

Leek v. Wang, McDuffie, et al.

Complex Corporate Litigation and Trial
Admon Law Firm represented one of the Defendants, a renowned cybersecurity expert and owner of a multinational cybersecurity company. Plaintiff claimed Breach of Contract, Breach of Partnership, Breach of Duty as Partners, Contract Implied in Law, Contract Implied in Fact, Willful Refusal to Pay Wages, Negligent Misrepresentation, Intentionally Misrepresentation, and a host of other claims. After a 4-day trial, the court dismissed all claims against Admon Law Firm's client.

In. Re. Estate of Pinto

Complex Probate Litigation and Trial
A week-long trial where Admon Law Firm successfully represented one of the estate beneficiaries, securing a near $1 million total verdict for his client and the return of an invaluable family heirloom.

Vo v. Huynh

Complex Family and Business Litigation and Trial
A highly contentious divorce where Admon Law Firm represented the wife. The husband owned and operated a multi-million dollar telecommunication business, and throughout litigation, concealed and wasted vast amounts of community assets. Admon Law Firm secured approximately $400,000 in sanctions against the husband prior to trial and secured a final judgment at trial of approximately $1 million.

Robinson and Knox v. Hicks

Breach of Contract and Consumer Protection
Admon Law Firm represented Plaintiffs against the Defendant for his breach of a construction contract. Admon Law Firm was able to ultimately secure a $241,000 judgment against the Defendant for breach of contract and violation of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act.

Gadley v. Ruddock

Complex Family Litigation and Trial
An interstate child custody case, where the mother absconded with the parties’ child to California. After a UCCJEA hearing before a panel of Washington and California judges, Admon Law Firm secured the child’s return to Washington, and later represented our client in a 4-day trial. The court granted Admon Law Firm's client full custody.

Guo v. Huang and Prime Taste Catering LLC

Business Litigation
A partnership dispute between members of an LLC, where Admon Law Firm's client invested “sweat equity” and no money. Admon Law successfully moved the court to appoint a General Receiver to take over and manage the dissolution of the LLC. Admon Law Firm was then able to negotiate a highly favorable settlement for our client, who took full control of the business.

Estate of Malcolm Burnett v. G. and B. Ahlgren

Real Estate Litigation
Plaintiffs were heirs of an estate that owns an extremely valuable multi-acre tract of land in Bellevue, WA, that borders land owned by Admon Law Firm's clients. Plaintiffs sued Admon Law Firm's clients for adverse possession of a road that ran on both properties. Both parties had partial legal ownership of the road, and for decades, both parties continually used that road to enter and exit their properties. However, Plaintiffs needed to adversely possess the road so they could develop between 8 – 10 residential homes on their land. If Plaintiffs won their lawsuit and adversely possessed the road, our clients would have been blocked from using it and would have had to develop a separate road to access their home. Admon Law Firm successfully defeated Plaintiff’s lawsuit on summary judgment. Not only did the court dismiss Plaintiff’s lawsuit, but the court also granted our clients a permanent easement over the road and awarded our clients' attorney fees.

Hu v. Quiao

Complex International Family Litigation
Admon Law Firm's client resided part time in both China and the US. The opposing party filed for divorce in Washington. Admon Law Firm successfully argued improper venue and jurisdiction under the UCCJEA. In an unprecedented ruling, the Superior Court Judge dismissed the opposing party’s Washington divorce petition and ordered the parties to file their divorce in China.

Hassan v. Abdi

Complex Family Litigation
The Respondent hired Admon Law Firm to argue a Divorce and Child Support Order entered against him by default. Admon Law Firm moved to Vacate the Default Order under the theory of fraud, and, after a hearing before the Chief Family Law Judge of King County Superior Court, successfully vacated the Default Order.

Xian Noodles LLC v. Li and Huang

Internet Defamation
Admon Law Firm represented the Plaintiff in an internet defamation case where the Defendants posted defamatory and untrue statements about the Plaintiff’s restaurant on a popular Chinese social medial website. During litigation, Admon Law Firm forced Defendants to remove their defamatory posts about our client and secured a successful financial settlement on their behalf.

Smith v. Gen Con, Peter Adkison, et al.

Internet Defamation
Admon Law Firm represents the Plaintiff in an internet defamation case against Gen Con LLC, the largest Role-Playing Game trade show in the United States, and Peter Adkison, its co-owner, and creator of the tabletop role playing game "Dungeons and Dragons." A King County Superior Court judge wrongly dismissed the Plaintiff's case on a 12(b)(6) Motion, but Admon Law Firm, with co-counsel, successfully appealed the Superior Court's decision, enabling the case to go forward. Reasons Magazine wrote an article about the successful appeal: Dungeons & Defamation: Role-Playing Game Convention Libel Case Can Go Forward (reason.com).

Henderson v. Thompson

Internet Defamation
Admon Law Firm represented the Defendant in an internet defamation case and helped secure a successful settlement on behalf of his client.

Robbins v. Vietnamese Today News LLC (Nguoi Viet Ngay Nay)

Newspaper Defamation
Admon Law Firm represented the Defendant Vietnamese Today News, the most prominent Vietnamese newspaper in Seattle, WA, in defamation lawsuit, for purportedly defaming the Plaintiff by publishing information about him relating to a fight that broke out at a political rally. Admon Law Firm and our co-counsel successfully had the lawsuit dismissed on a Motion for Summary Judgment.

Scott et al. v. Kensington Real Estate LLC

Business and Real Estate Litigation
Admon Law Firm represented multiple realtors in a lawsuit against their brokerage firm for withholding commissions. On the eve of trial, the parties appointed a mediator, and we negotiated a very successful settlement on behalf of our clients.

State of Washington v. Wicken

Criminal Trial of an individual accused of trespass and violation of a protective order
Admon Law Firm plead the defense of “mistaken identity” in a two-day criminal trial against our client for violating a protective order. Our client was found not guilty on all charges.

State of Washington v. Walsh

DUI. Defense
The Defendant was arrested for drinking while driving a moped. Arguing that a moped is not a “vehicle” for the purpose of the Washington Motor Vehicle Statute, in accordance with US v. Dotson, C.A. 9 (Wash.) 1994, 34 F.3d 882, 32 ALR 5th 875, the State dismissed the DUI charges against our client.

Xu v. Guo

Antiharassment Litigation
Admon Law Firm represented Xu, a foreign college student in Seattle, being harassed and threatened by another student. After a lengthy antiharassment hearing with multiple witnesses and skilled opposing counsel (now a Washington State Superior Court Judge), We won the hearing and secured a protection order for our client.

Bai v. Zhang

Reversal of Domestic Violence Protective Order
The Petitioner, Bai, accused Zhang of committing domestic violence against her. At the initial Domestic Violence Hearing, Zhang was self-represented, and the court found that he committed Domestic Violence. As a result, the court entered a 2-year no-contact order against Zhang. Zhang hired Admon Law Firm to help him, and we appealed the case before a Judge, using a process known as a Revision. Using only the evidence presented by Bai at her initial hearing, we convinced the Court to overturn the Domestic Violence Order against Zhang and have it completely dismissed. 

Mountain Mama Distillery Inc. v. KCB Enterprises, LLC

Trademark Litigation
Admon Law Firm represented Mountain Mama Distillery (“MMD”), a national spirit distillery, and owner of the “Mountain Mama” US Trademark No. 5,094,999. KCB infringed on the use of that trademark by marketing “Mountain Mama Moonshine” without a license. We successfully enforced MMD’s trademark, forcing KCB to shut down all manufacturing, sale, and merchandising of products carrying the “Mountain Mama” name.